
  • 彩娱乐官网 Huawei showcases biodiversity conservation efforts in Austria

  • 发布日期:2025-01-07 18:32    点击次数:109

Huawei's TECH4ALL projects have been deployed in over 50 nature reserves across 20 countries彩娱乐官网彩娱乐官网, further advancing global environmental protection.

VIENNA, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese tech giant Huawei held an event here on Tuesday to showcase how its technology is aiding biodiversity conservation in one of Austria's national parks.

Since 2021, Huawei has partnered with the Neusiedler See-Seewinkel National Park and the University of Vienna to protect biodiversity in the park, which has been significantly impacted by climate change-driven water level fluctuations. Using acoustic devices and artificial intelligence, Huawei monitors changes in the park's reed belt and wildlife, providing data to support ecological research.

This initiative is part of Huawei's broader TECH4ALL program, launched in 2019 to promote inclusivity and sustainability through innovative technology. Celebrating the 5th anniversary of TECH4ALL at the event, Tony Jin, executive vice president of Huawei Europe, emphasized the importance of their environmental efforts in Austria彩娱乐官网, home to one of the company's flagship conservation projects.

Jin highlighted Huawei's commitment to mitigating climate change, protecting endangered species, and enhancing the resilience of fragile ecosystems. He also underscored the company's contribution to habitat restoration and sustainable resource management in the national park.

Former Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern praised Huawei's initiative, noting that Austria is proud to host this technology-driven effort to address climate change and protect biodiversity. "Combining cutting-edge innovation with a deep commitment to sustainability is the solution," Kern said.

Researchers from the Neusiedler See-Seewinkel National Park and the University of Vienna also shared their latest findings at the event, providing valuable insights for future conservation efforts.


Huawei's TECH4ALL projects have been deployed in over 50 nature reserves across 20 countries, further advancing global environmental protection. ■


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