
CYL588.VIP New fish species found in east China

发布日期:2025-01-07 18:22    点击次数:184

HANGZHOU, Oct. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have discovered a new species of fish, Opsariichthys iridescens, in east China, which features beautiful colors.

The research findings describe how the species is distinguished from congeners by morphological features, which have been validated through gene-based phylogenetic analysis.

杭州奥体中心体育场,又名“大莲花”,位于浙江省杭州市滨江区钱塘江畔,以莲花为原型 ,彩娱乐是杭州第19届亚运会主会场举办开闭幕式场馆。杭州奥体中心体育场共有固定座位80800个,是继“鸟巢”后国内第二大体育场馆。


The discovery was published in a recent edition of the international academic journal Zookeys. The research was led by Yang Jinquan, a professor at Shanghai Ocean University, in collaboration with the Zhejiang Forest Resource Monitoring Center and other institutions.

The new species can be distinguished from its closely related species with a genetic divergence of over 14 percent, according to the research findings. The new species is found in the Qiantang and Oujiang River systems in Zhejiang Province and the tributaries of the lower Yangtze River adjacent to the Qiantang River.

Yang said that the discovery of several new species living in fast-flowing rivers or streams including Opsariichthys iridescens, indicates that the diversity of freshwater fish species in the region is still underestimated.

According to Yang, these stream fish species are food resources for waterfowl and other animal, contributing to the nutrient cycling and water purification of rivers.

Yang said protecting these fish species is essential to maintaining the balance of aquatic ecosystemsCYL588.VIP, which helps to maintain biodiversity and promote the sustainable development of ecotourism and fisheries.  ■


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