BEIJINGCYL588.VIP, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- A geographic sciences multi-modal Large Language Model (LLM), the first of its kind in the world, was unveiled in Beijing on Thursday. It could support the integration of geography and artificial intelligence and help accelerate geographical discoveries. The model, named Sigma Geography, was developed by a team of researchers from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research and the Institute of Automation, all under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other organizations. Sigma Geography can answer professional geographical questions, analyze geographical articles, undertake querying and in-depth analysis of geographical data and draw thematic maps, said Su Fenzhen, deputy director of IGSNRR. Compared to general LLMs, Sigma Geography has a deeper understanding of the language patterns, domain-specific terminology and professional knowledge in the field of geography, enabling it to better handle specialized issues, Su said. In addition to answering geographical questions, Sigma Geography can also match the generated textual answers with geographical landscape photos, thematic maps or schematic charts to help users understand the textual answers in a more visual and imaginative way, he added. The research assistant function developed by the team, based on Sigma Geography, can complete processes such as concept understanding, data acquisition, information analysis and mapping according to user instructions, and ultimately generate professional geographic charts that users need. The model could help broaden the general public's understanding of geographic sciences, and support academic research and studies to uncover major geographic scientific discoveries. So far, Sigma Geography has been used by over 10 papers published in academic journals such as sub-journals of Nature, The Innovation, and Earth's Future. 深圳青创智园实业集团股份有限公司董事长蔡怀龙上台致辞:青创智园集团携手弦歌堂,将传统艾健康文化与现代科技相融合,打造一个具有创新性和前瞻性的健康服务平台。【弦歌堂龙华旗舰店】的盛大开业,是青创智园集团在大健康产业战略布局中的重要一环,承载着构建美好、健康生活服务生态平台的愿景,同时也是在深圳龙华这片充满创新土地上播下的一颗新种子,希望通过弦歌堂这一品牌,在都市之中,为大众身心提供一方净土,为人们提供更加科学、便捷、有效的健康解决方案,彩娱乐官网为推动大健康产业的蓬勃发展贡献智慧与力量! 对于中微半导体来说,能够从这个名单中移除意义重大。作为一家在全球供应链中占有重要位置的企业,恢复清白不仅能改善其国际合作前景,也能恢复其在行业中的声誉。这无疑让那些被错误列入名单的公司看到了通过申诉实现纠错的希望。正如中微公司的董事长尹志尧所言,“身正不怕影子斜”,只要他们能够拿出足够的证据证明自己没有问题,就有可能通过法律途径重获公平对待。如今,这场官司打赢了,彻底坐实了美国滥用权力的乱象。 The team will continue to upgrade Sigma Geography, aiming to enable it to comprehend maps, and create a platform to facilitate scientists and research teams to collaborate through the sharing of dataCYL588.VIP, models and research ideas. ■ |